
Westfork forms volunteer fire department

Efforts to establish a volunteer fire department for West Fork residents of Dolores County are taking shape.

The Dolores Fire Protection District has provided fire protection to residences up the West Fork. Last year, many residents received a letter and pricing schedule from the district listing costs in the event a response was requested from Dolores Fire Protection District.

To resolve this, and to better serve the community, Dolores County Commissioners brought together affected landowners to establish fire protection in the West Fork valley. A number of meetings were held in the fall and winter, and it was decided to form a volunteer fire department.

With the support of the fire district, Dolores County commissioners and the ownership and management of Dunton Hot Springs, a volunteer fire department for the West Fork is a reality, according to organizer Tommy Johnson.

The Dolores and Dove Creek fire districts have plan to donate four trucks, and sites at the Dolores County Shop and Dunton have been identified for buildings to house them. A number of Dunton employees have committed to training and serving as volunteers.

A fundraiser and barbecue is scheduled for July 10 at 2 p.m. at the Dunton River Camp, 18 miles up the West Fork from Colorado 145 on County Road 38.

Funding depends on donations and grants.

For more information, visit Questions can be directed to

Jan 8, 2019
Westfork Fire Volunteer Department gains land for new station
Oct 10, 2017
West Fork fire department seeks new station