
Sheriff’s blotter

Sunday, Oct. 2

2:17 a.m.: A driver who appeared to be lost in the 7000 block of County Road G, was pulled over and arrested on suspicion of driving while her ability was impaired and driving without a valid license.

11:54 p.m.: A driver with defective brake light was stopped in the 6700 block of U.S. 160, and his male passenger was arrested on suspicion of possessing meth and drug paraphernalia.

Monday, Oct. 3

9:25 p.m.: A woman turned in a wallet that she had found in the intersection of County Roads 29 and M.

6:50 p.m.: A man turned in a pellet pistol that he had found in a trash bin at Summit Lake, in the 35600 block of Colorado 184.

Wednesday, Oct. 5

12:50 p.m.: A man was cited for driving with a suspended license at the intersection of Montezuma Ave. and Edith St.

Thursday, Oct. 6

10:45 a.m.: A woman reported that her fiance’s truck had been broken into at a residence in the 5900 block of County Road 25, and one man at the residence reported that $40 and two gout pills were missing. Another man, the truck’s owner, reported that several dollars in change was taken.

11:17 a.m.: A business in the 22900 block of County Road F reported that a bullet had been shot through a window, causing damage to a door and a monitor.

6:30 p.m.: A woman reported that someone kicked in her French doors at a residence in the 30300 block of County Road R.

12:15 p.m.: An employee reported that someone vandalized a headstone at the Cortez Cemetery, in the 27400 block of U.S. 160.

2:45 p.m.: A man was arrested on a warrant at Montezuma County Court, 608 N. Mildred Road.

Sunday, Oct. 9

2:51 a.m.: A woman was cited for making a false report after she allegedly called the sheriff’s office about a fictitious fight. According to the woman, she was being watched by a police at Wal-Mart, and she hoped that her false report would draw the officer away from her.

2:00 p.m.: A man reported that a woman had returned the wallet that he had lost while biking at Phil’s World, located at 9450 County Road 30.1, but that three banks cards were missing.

Monday, Oct. 10

10:15 p.m.: A woman reported that a vehicle backed into her vehicle at a residence in the 23700 block of County Road F.5, damaging a quarter panel and bumper. A witness provided a description of the car, which was located at Montezuma-Cortez High School. A deputy interviewed the car’s male driver, but the woman said she didn’t want to press charges.

Tuesday, Oct. 11

12:51 a.m.: A man was served a warrant while in custody at the Montezuma County jail, 730 E. Driscoll St.

Oct 22, 2016
Police blotter
Oct 19, 2016
Sheriff’s blotter
Oct 14, 2016
Police blotter
Oct 11, 2016
Police Blotter
Oct 1, 2016
Sheriff’s blotter
Oct 1, 2016
Police blotter
Sep 24, 2016
Sheriff’s blotter