A well-known psychological characteristic of humans and other animals is called “sexual imprinting.” The salient idea is that young children and animals undergo a psychological process where individuals learn their mate preferences by observing others at a young age.
Most people instinctively understand this and that is why children are kept from unwanted sexual exposures while they’re young. Who knows how many children have been coached to admire homosexuality, transgenderism, etc., by needless exposure to abnormal sexual behavior at grammar schools?
The real question is why school systems like Durango School District 9-R are encouraging non-heterosexual sex, or any sex, at all. The usual suspects will use virtue-signaling terms like “inclusiveness,” but humans have strong traditions of encouraging only heterosexual sex … so “inclusiveness” is a shallow defense.
There are many things in life we could “include,” but we don’t because of traditions. The left tends to try to destroy traditions, religions, social structure and social discipline, but encouraging sexual imprinting in our schoolchildren is a step too far.
Remember it when tax increases are next voted on. Adding fuel to the fire, 9-R is encouraging the Black Lives Matter organization even after one of the BLM co-founders declared, “We are trained Marxists.” What is going on with 9-R? Should there be an outside investigation?
Mike Sigman