
BLM to upgrade Sand Canyon parking lot in Canyons of the Ancients

The Bureau of Land Management will close the Sand Canyon south parking lot to the public while upgrades are completed.

The Journal

The Bureau of Land Management will begin construction to expand and level the Canyons of the Ancients National Monument Sand Canyon south trailhead parking area starting in the beginning of December. The parking area will be closed to the public during construction, with an anticipated reopening in February 2020.

During construction, visitors may access the Sand Canyon and Rock Creek Trails through Sand Canyon’s north trailhead parking lot on Road N, and the new county parking lot and spur trail on Road G, a quarter-mile east of the existing parking lot.

Visitors can explore the Monument’s Visitor Center and Museum to learn about additional recreation opportunities. For more information, call 970-882-5600 or visit

Jan 12, 2020
Improved Sand Canyon parking lot opens until construction resumes