
Bridge shelter grand opening set for Oct. 19

A grand opening for a building at 735 N. Park St. that will serve as an emergency shelter space and transitional housing apartments will be held Oct. 19.

The Journal

Grand opening ceremonies and tours for a new homeless shelter and transitional apartments operated by The Bridge nonprofit will be held Oct. 19.

Occupancy of the building, located at 735 N. Park St., is expected in mid-September, and the Bridge expects to have some the first apartments occupied soon thereafter.

The Bridge is currently conducting a fundraising campaign in an effort to raise $15,000 to assist in the acquisition of such things as furnishings, kitchen wares, and window treatments. The Bridge would also like to provide a large meeting table for the shelter.

Anyone interested in donating to help the Bridge put the finishing touches on the new shelter can donate online at or send a check to the Bridge at P.O. Box 56 in Cortez.

The final capital campaign will continue through Aug. 20.

Feb 19, 2021
A legacy of new dreams: Director of Bridge shelter to retire