
Education center seeks volunteers for English and GED program

The Journal

The Adult Education Center is looking for experienced or retired teachers in Cortez to volunteer in its English and GED/high school equivalency program.

The center will provide training, materials and support for tutors, Kelly Quach said in a news release on Friday. Flexible times and meeting locations are available.

The center is at 10 W. Main St., Suite 110 and offers classes Monday through Thursday from noon to 3 p.m. and 5-8 p.m.

For more information, call 970-564-7004 or visit

The Adult Education Center fills educational gaps in Cortez by “providing the skills and knowledge necessary for livable wage careers, post-secondary education, and social and economic mobility,” the news release said.

For more information, call 970-564-7004.

Jan 16, 2018
Cortez Adult Education Center starts classes soon