
From the Mayor: so many amazing community events

If the saying, “April showers bring May flowers” is true, Cortez should be bursting with color soon after all the recent rain. I, for one, am ready for sunny days and warmer temperatures! In addition to spring showers, April in Cortez is filled with a number of city activities that I hope will be of interest to residents.

The library and Sunflower Theater have begun to offer documentaries on a variety of topics. They show on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. “Chasing the Dragon” was featured on Thursday. The film deals with opiate addiction. A discussion followed led by those that have an understanding of addiction, including a member of our police department.

Local artists, including MCHS art students, have been very generous in loaning their artwork for display at City Hall. The pieces demonstrate a variety of styles, techniques and subjects and have helped turn a beautiful building into a warm and inviting space.

To recognize these talented individuals, the city will be hosting an artists’ reception on Thursday, April 20, from 6 to 8 p.m. at City Hall. I encourage everyone to come meet and visit with the many talented folks for whom art is a passion and who have shared their work with our community through displays in city buildings.

Bronco fans, mark your calendars! On Friday, April 21, the city of Cortez will be hosting the Denver Broncos Salute to Fans Tour from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at the Parque de Vida amphitheater. Fans will have the opportunity to get autographs and interact with Denver Broncos players, cheerleaders and Miles, the mascot. Bring the kids and be part of this very special event. Thanks to Jon Brooks, city events coordinator, for arranging this.

The following weekend, the city will be hosting the Annual Clean-Up Week, kicking it off with Clean-Up Day on Saturday, April 29, from 9 a.m. to noon. This is like “spring cleaning” for the city. Meet at the Parque de Vida playground on the corner of Empire and Mildred to volunteer to help make our city beautiful and clean!

Following the cleanup, there will be a BBQ lunch, and volunteers will be given a super awesome T-shirt for helping out. Come join the fun! For more information on Clean-Up Week and the free drop-off day on Saturday, May 6, please go to and look under “News and Announcements.”

If you know a 5- to 12-year-old who is a potential Andy Murray or Serena Williams, consider signing them up for the Parks & Rec spring tennis program. The cost is $30, which includes a tennis racket and T-shirt or $10 if you already have a racket. The program runs the four Saturdays in May beginning at 9 a.m. Parent participation is encouraged – no experience necessary. Please consider volunteering, as the success of this program depends on volunteers. The registration deadline is April 25. Questions? Contact Jason Green at 565-4080.

CDOT has completed its portion of the North Broadway highway improvement so city staff can now begin installing the median landscaping. Plants and irrigation materials are being ordered, and staff has met to plan the details and target an installation date. Once started, this portion of the project should be completed in a relatively short period of time. Stay tuned!

It’s been a month since the dedication of the new City Hall. Staff is settled in and enjoying their new space, minor tweaks to systems are completed as necessary, and a number of meetings have been hosted at the new facility. If you haven’t had the opportunity to see it, please stop by 123 Roger Smith Ave. Staff is available and happy to give tours.

Just a reminder that the mayor is now holding office hours on the second and fourth Tuesday from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Got something on your mind? Stop by and we’ll chat over a cup of coffee. I’d love to visit with you.

Karen Sheek is the mayor of Cortez, a position elected by council members. Reach her at

Apr 22, 2017
Artists show off work at Cortez City Hall
Apr 20, 2017
Broncos tour arrives today in Cortez