
Grange in Mancos announces class on fermented food

Learn how to ferment ordinary veggies into extraordinary foods such as sauerkraut, kim chi, or pickles during the fermentation class from 2-4 p.m. Saturday, May 28 at the Mount Lookout Grange in Mancos.

This introductory lesson teaches the basics of making simple ferments right at home, as well as the benefits of fermentation to individual and collective health.

Cost is $30 per person, and all materials are provided.

The class is taught by fermentation enthusiast Gretchen Groenke, who sees fermentation as an opportunity to be in a creative and empowering relationship with food in order to bring vitality to the mind, body, soul and soil. She is passionate about thriving people and a thriving planet and would love to share with you on a collective journey towards vibrant health.

The class is presented in collaboration with Mancos FoodShare and Mount Lookout Grange.

Aug 9, 2016
Grange fundraising $60,000 for community food bank