Our method for choosing leaders has become so perverted, corrupted so completely that a criminal enterprise commandeered a political party to nominate and secure the election of a convicted felon to the presidency. His primary reason for running to win was to avoid prison!
Our outrage should be off the scale. The Constitution clearly is at risk because the oligarchs assume they own the executive branch and by extension, the judiciary, in particular, and some members of Congress, as well.
Because he assumes he owns Donald Trump, Elon Musk will have an office in the White House (no one elected him to serve). How ironic the president has become a modern-day slave.
Very simply, the decision to equate money with speech has destroyed any voice of reason. That was Citizens United! Furthermore, the changes to the tax code have allowed billionaires to become commonplace because wealth has become more concentrated than any time in American history.
It allowed Elon, using the felon as the candidate, to buy the presidency.
We should all be furious. The wealth, which has been focused on singular ownership, is essentially the fruits of the labor performed by the rest of us.
We the people own the government, not the oligarchs. The oligarchs may have bought the election but, in fact, government policy should work for everyone, not just moneyed interests.
Commiserations are in order for the felon and the minions who will call him president!
But thanks to a jury, he will always be felon Trump!
David Black