Men should bear equal responsibility for new life

A simple biological fact: Pollen germinates flowers, creating the seeds of life. Pollen, being the “male” aspect, combines with the “feminine” flower, which then bear the fruit.

Why is it, that religion-based groups, committees and this political administration, dare to cast the full responsibility and ethical blame on only the feminine aspect of human biology while leaving the male aspect completely “free to roam”? They cast blame to the flower, that has her roots in the ground, ignoring the man’s pollen that is freely blowing in the wind!

Why is it that women can be chastised for not cultivating the maturity for childbearing while the males have often already ran far, far away, sometimes chasing the petals of other flowers?

What if men were held accountable for just 50% of this moral and “punishable” guilt, while presently, women are dramatically held 100% responsible?

What if males were subjected to prison time for not taking accountability for their hormonal behavior? This would sure balance the dynamics of Roe v. Wade.

How can boys ever mature, stand up and develop the responsibility of being a father? Do threats work? Do we need to register DNA for “sexual liability”? Will this new registered DNA become part of having a legal ID?

I believe that those groups and committees that are leading the moral high ground are entirely missing their target.

Michael Carpenter
