
Montezuma County justice center opens Sept. 18

New combined courthouse opens Sept. 18
The Montezuma County Combined Courts building will open on Sept. 18. A grand opening celebration is planned for Oct. 11.

Starting Sept. 18, justice in Montezuma County will be served up under one roof.

The new Montezuma County Combined Courts facility at 865 N. Park St. has two district courtrooms and two county courtrooms.

It will also house the probation department, court clerk and records offices, family court, legal library, jury areas and inmate holding cells.

Currently, district court is held at 109 W. Main St., and county court and probation are at 601 N. Mildred Road. Montezuma County is the last unconsolidated court location in the state.

For the past year, both courts have been preparing for the move, said court administrator Eric Hogue.

To accommodate the final push, all courts and probation offices will close from 3 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 14 through Friday, Sept. 15.

Regular court business will resume at the new courthouse on Monday, Sept. 18.

“The final inspections are complete. We are moving in and will be ready to serve the public,” Hogue said.

The public will notice the improved services, security and technology of the $8.3 million facility. The 32,400-square-foot judicial center has a Southwestern feel with its Native American kiva design out front. The circular auditorium has a 65-person capacity and will be used for jury instruction and staff training.

Other highlights include a modern self-help center where the public can view electronic court files or file pleadings, larger staff area with improved security, more private family court offices, jury assembly room separate from the courtroom, secure waiting areas, electronic dockets, video conferencing and attorney-client rooms.

“It is a well-designed building the public will be proud of,” Hogue said. “We especially want to thank the Montezuma County commission for recognizing the need and taking action.”

A grand opening will be at 11 a.m. on Oct. 11. Colorado Supreme Court Chief Justice Nancy E. Rice, and county and state officials will attend.

The county plans to remodel the old district courthouse and move in social services, which currently are spread out in three different locations. The county is trying to sell the old county courthouse facility. It is listed for $1.3 million.

Oct 12, 2017
New combined courthouse open to public
May 21, 2017
First look: New courthouse is on time and on budget
Feb 1, 2016
Planning for new courthouse underway