
Planet, human health trumps economy

I would like to comment on three related topics that were covered in the Feb. 19 Journal, February 19, 2016.

First, I am disappointed that the only hearing in the area on the methane gas reduction was in Farmington. That is a long way for me and my old truck to travel, and it favors those whose jobs and profits may be impacted by the regulations. Those of us who want these regulations in order to protect our health and the health of our planet do not always get equal representation. I happen to believe that the health of all the residents in the area and the health of the planet are more important than either profits or jobs. No one has the right to make money either in wages or in profits at the expense of our health and the health of the planet.

That is why I support the methane regulations and the clean power regulations. I hope that Colorado will forge ahead with cutting greenhouse gases in spite of the Supreme Court’s stay, which is unprecedented and in my opinion unconstitutional. I also think that it is important for the president to nominate a Supreme Court justice and for the Senate to at least hear the case. I hope that the president will nominate someone who believes that the Constitution is a living document that must be adapted to the modern world. I have no doubt that the framers of that document and those who first implemented it intended it to be interpreted to assure the public welfare.

If we do not address climate change now, it may be too late to save many of the species that inhabit this Earth including mankind. Saving an industry is not as important as saving our Mother Earth.

Barbara F. Lynch


Mar 24, 2016
County ranks high and low in health study
Mar 9, 2016
Is Clean Power Plan out of reach?